Modern modes of operation for symmetric block ciphers

Classic modes of operation such as CBC only provide guarantees over the confidentiality of the message but not over its integrity. In other words, they don’t allow the receiver to establish if the ciphertext was modified in transit or if it really originates from a certain source.

For that reason, classic modes of operation have been often paired with a MAC primitive (such as Crypto.Hash.HMAC), but the combination is not always straightforward, efficient or secure.

Recently, new modes of operations (AEAD, for Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data) have been designed to combine encryption and authentication into a single, efficient primitive. Optionally, some part of the message can also be left in the clear (non-confidential associated data, such as headers), while the whole message remains fully authenticated.

In addition to the ciphertext and a nonce (or IV - Initialization Vector), AEAD modes require the additional delivery of a MAC tag.

This is the state machine for a cipher object:


Fig. 3 Generic state diagram for a AEAD cipher mode

Beside the usual encrypt() and decrypt() already available for classic modes of operation, several other methods are present:


Authenticate those parts of the message that get delivered as is, without any encryption (like headers). It is similar to the update() method of a MAC object. Note that all data passed to encrypt() and decrypt() get automatically authenticated already.


data (bytes) – the extra data to authenticate


Create the final authentication tag (MAC tag) for a message.

Return bytes:

the MAC tag


Equivalent to digest(), with the output encoded in hexadecimal.

Return str:

the MAC tag as a hexadecimal string


Check if the provided authentication tag (MAC tag) is valid, that is, if the message has been decrypted using the right key and if no modification has taken place in transit.


mac_tag (bytes) – the MAC tag


ValueError – if the MAC tag is not valid, that is, if the entire message should not be trusted.


Same as verify() but accepts the MAC tag encoded as an hexadecimal string.


mac_tag_hex (str) – the MAC tag as a hexadecimal string


ValueError – if the MAC tag is not valid, that is, if the entire message should not be trusted.

encrypt_and_digest(plaintext, output=None)

Perform encrypt() and digest() in one go.


plaintext (bytes) – the last piece of plaintext to encrypt

Keyword Arguments:

output (bytes/bytearray/memoryview) – the pre-allocated buffer where the ciphertext must be stored (as opposed to being returned).


a tuple with two items

  • the ciphertext, as bytes

  • the MAC tag, as bytes

The first item becomes None when the output parameter specified a location for the result.

decrypt_and_verify(ciphertext, mac_tag, output=None)

Perform decrypt() and verify() in one go.


ciphertext (bytes) – the last piece of ciphertext to decrypt

Keyword Arguments:

output (bytes/bytearray/memoryview) – the pre-allocated buffer where the plaintext must be stored (as opposed to being returned).


ValueError – if the MAC tag is not valid, that is, if the entire message should not be trusted.

CCM mode

Counter with CBC-MAC, defined in RFC3610 or NIST SP 800-38C. It only works with ciphers having block size 128 bits (like AES).

The new() function at the module level under Crypto.Cipher instantiates a new CCM cipher object for the relevant base algorithm. In the following definition, <algorithm> can only be AES today:

Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.new(key, mode, *, nonce=None, mac_len=None, msg_len=None, assoc_len=None)

Create a new CCM object, using <algorithm> as the base block cipher.

  • key (bytes) – the cryptographic key

  • mode – the constant Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.MODE_CCM

  • nonce (bytes) – the value of the fixed nonce. It must be unique for the combination message/key. For AES, its length varies from 7 to 13 bytes. The longer the nonce, the smaller the allowed message size (with a nonce of 13 bytes, the message cannot exceed 64KB). If not present, the library creates a 11 bytes random nonce (the maximum message size is 8GB).

  • mac_len (integer) – the desired length of the MAC tag (default if not present: 16 bytes).

  • msg_len (integer) – pre-declaration of the length of the message to encipher. If not specified, encrypt() and decrypt() can only be called once.

  • assoc_len (integer) – pre-declaration of the length of the associated data. If not specified, some extra buffering will take place internally.


a CTR cipher object

The cipher object has a read-only attribute nonce.

Example (encryption):

>>> import json
>>> from base64 import b64encode
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
>>> from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
>>> header = b"header"
>>> data = b"secret"
>>> key = get_random_bytes(16)
>>> cipher =, AES.MODE_CCM)
>>> cipher.update(header)
>>> ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(data)
>>> json_k = [ 'nonce', 'header', 'ciphertext', 'tag' ]
>>> json_v = [ b64encode(x).decode('utf-8') for x in (cipher.nonce, header, ciphertext, tag) ]
>>> result = json.dumps(dict(zip(json_k, json_v)))
>>> print(result)
{"nonce": "p6ffzcKw+6xopVQ=", "header": "aGVhZGVy", "ciphertext": "860kZo/G", "tag": "Ck5YpVCM6fdWnFkFxw8K6A=="}

Example (decryption):

>>> import json
>>> from base64 import b64decode
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
>>> # We assume that the key was securely shared beforehand
>>> try:
>>>     b64 = json.loads(json_input)
>>>     json_k = [ 'nonce', 'header', 'ciphertext', 'tag' ]
>>>     jv = {k:b64decode(b64[k]) for k in json_k}
>>>     cipher =, AES.MODE_CCM, nonce=jv['nonce'])
>>>     cipher.update(jv['header'])
>>>     plaintext = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(jv['ciphertext'], jv['tag'])
>>>     print("The message was: " + plaintext.decode('utf-8'))
>>> except (ValueError, KeyError):
>>>     print("Incorrect decryption")

EAX mode

An AEAD mode designed for NIST by Bellare, Rogaway, and Wagner in 2003.

The new() function at the module level under Crypto.Cipher instantiates a new EAX cipher object for the relevant base algorithm.

Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.new(key, mode, *, nonce=None, mac_len=None)

Create a new EAX object, using <algorithm> as the base block cipher.

  • key (bytes) – the cryptographic key

  • mode – the constant Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.MODE_EAX

  • nonce (bytes) – the value of the fixed nonce. It must be unique for the combination message/key. If not present, the library creates a random nonce (16 bytes long for AES).

  • mac_len (integer) – the length of the MAC tag, in bytes. At least 2, and not larger than the cipher’s block size (default), which is 16 bytes for AES.


an EAX cipher object

The cipher object has a read-only attribute nonce.

Example (encryption):

>>> import json
>>> from base64 import b64encode
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
>>> from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
>>> header = b"header"
>>> data = b"secret"
>>> key = get_random_bytes(16)
>>> cipher =, AES.MODE_EAX)
>>> cipher.update(header)
>>> ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(data)
>>> json_k = [ 'nonce', 'header', 'ciphertext', 'tag' ]
>>> json_v = [ b64encode(x).decode('utf-8') for x in (cipher.nonce, header, ciphertext, tag) ]
>>> result = json.dumps(dict(zip(json_k, json_v)))
>>> print(result)
{"nonce": "CSIJ+e8KP7HJo+hC4RXIyQ==", "header": "aGVhZGVy", "ciphertext": "9YYjuAn6", "tag": "kXHrs9ZwYmjDkmfEJx7Clg=="}

Example (decryption):

>>> import json
>>> from base64 import b64decode
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
>>> # We assume that the key was securely shared beforehand
>>> try:
>>>     b64 = json.loads(json_input)
>>>     json_k = [ 'nonce', 'header', 'ciphertext', 'tag' ]
>>>     jv = {k:b64decode(b64[k]) for k in json_k}
>>>     cipher =, AES.MODE_EAX, nonce=jv['nonce'])
>>>     cipher.update(jv['header'])
>>>     plaintext = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(jv['ciphertext'], jv['tag'])
>>>     print("The message was: " + plaintext.decode('utf-8'))
>>> except (ValueError, KeyError):
>>>     print("Incorrect decryption")

GCM mode

Galois/Counter Mode, defined in NIST SP 800-38D. It only works in combination with a 128 bits cipher like AES.

The new() function at the module level under Crypto.Cipher instantiates a new GCM cipher object for the relevant base algorithm.

Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.new(key, mode, *, nonce=None, mac_len=None)

Create a new GCM object, using <algorithm> as the base block cipher.

  • key (bytes) – the cryptographic key

  • mode – the constant Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.MODE_GCM

  • nonce (bytes) – the value of the fixed nonce. It must be unique for the combination message/key. If not present, the library creates a random nonce (16 bytes long for AES).

  • mac_len (integer) – the desired length of the MAC tag, from 4 to 16 bytes (default: 16).


a GCM cipher object

The cipher object has a read-only attribute nonce.

Example (encryption):

>>> import json
>>> from base64 import b64encode
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
>>> from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
>>> header = b"header"
>>> data = b"secret"
>>> key = get_random_bytes(16)
>>> cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM)
>>> cipher.update(header)
>>> ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(data)
>>> json_k = [ 'nonce', 'header', 'ciphertext', 'tag' ]
>>> json_v = [ b64encode(x).decode('utf-8') for x in (cipher.nonce, header, ciphertext, tag) ]
>>> result = json.dumps(dict(zip(json_k, json_v)))
>>> print(result)
{"nonce": "DpOK8NIOuSOQlTq+BphKWw==", "header": "aGVhZGVy", "ciphertext": "CZVqyacc", "tag": "B2tBgICbyw+Wji9KpLVa8w=="}

Example (decryption):

>>> import json
>>> from base64 import b64decode
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
>>> # We assume that the key was securely shared beforehand
>>> try:
>>>     b64 = json.loads(json_input)
>>>     json_k = [ 'nonce', 'header', 'ciphertext', 'tag' ]
>>>     jv = {k:b64decode(b64[k]) for k in json_k}
>>>     cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=jv['nonce'])
>>>     cipher.update(jv['header'])
>>>     plaintext = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(jv['ciphertext'], jv['tag'])
>>>     print("The message was: " + plaintext.decode('utf-8'))
>>> except (ValueError, KeyError):
>>>     print("Incorrect decryption")


GCM is most commonly used with 96-bit (12-byte) nonces, which is also the length recommended by NIST SP 800-38D.

If interoperability is important, one should take into account that the library default of a 128-bit random nonce may not be (easily) supported by other implementations. A 96-bit nonce can be explicitly generated for a new encryption cipher:

>>> key = get_random_bytes(16)
>>> nonce = get_random_bytes(12)
>>> cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=nonce)

SIV mode

Synthetic Initialization Vector (SIV), defined in RFC5297. It only works with ciphers with a block size of 128 bits (like AES).

Although less efficient than other modes, SIV is nonce misuse-resistant: accidental reuse of the nonce does not jeopardize the security as it happens with CCM or GCM. As a matter of fact, operating without a nonce is not an error per se: the cipher simply becomes deterministic. In other words, a message gets always encrypted into the same ciphertext.

The new() function at the module level under Crypto.Cipher instantiates a new SIV cipher object for the relevant base algorithm.

Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.new(key, mode, *, nonce=None)

Create a new SIV object, using <algorithm> as the base block cipher.

  • key (bytes) – the cryptographic key; it must be twice the size of the key required by the underlying cipher (e.g. 32 bytes for AES-128).

  • mode – the constant Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.MODE_SIV

  • nonce (bytes) – the value of the fixed nonce. It must be unique for the combination message/key. If not present, the encryption will be deterministic.


a SIV cipher object

If the nonce parameter was provided to new(), the resulting cipher object has a read-only attribute nonce.

Example (encryption):

>>> import json
>>> from base64 import b64encode
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
>>> from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
>>> header = b"header"
>>> data = b"secret"
>>> key = get_random_bytes(16 * 2)
>>> nonce = get_random_bytes(16)
>>> cipher =, AES.MODE_SIV, nonce=nonce)    # Without nonce, the encryption
>>>                                                     # becomes deterministic
>>> cipher.update(header)
>>> ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(data)
>>> json_k = [ 'nonce', 'header', 'ciphertext', 'tag' ]
>>> json_v = [ b64encode(x).decode('utf-8') for x in (nonce, header, ciphertext, tag) ]
>>> result = json.dumps(dict(zip(json_k, json_v)))
>>> print(result)
{"nonce": "zMiifAVvDpMS8hnGK/z+iw==", "header": "aGVhZGVy", "ciphertext": "Q7lReEAF", "tag": "KgdnBVbCee6B/wGmMf/wQA=="}

Example (decryption):

>>> import json
>>> from base64 import b64decode
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
>>> # We assume that the key was securely shared beforehand
>>> try:
>>>     b64 = json.loads(json_input)
>>>     json_k = [ 'nonce', 'header', 'ciphertext', 'tag' ]
>>>     jv = {k:b64decode(b64[k]) for k in json_k}
>>>     cipher =, AES.MODE_SIV, nonce=jv['nonce'])
>>>     cipher.update(jv['header'])
>>>     plaintext = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(jv['ciphertext'], jv['tag'])
>>>     print("The message was: " + plaintext.decode('utf-8'))
>>> except (ValueError, KeyError):
>>>     print("Incorrect decryption")

One side-effect is that encryption (or decryption) must take place in one go with the method encrypt_and_digest() (or decrypt_and_verify()). You cannot use encrypt() or decrypt(). The state diagram is therefore:


Fig. 4 State diagram for the SIV cipher mode

The length of the key passed to new() must be twice as required by the underlying block cipher (e.g. 32 bytes for AES-128).

Each call to the method update() consumes an full piece of associated data. That is, the sequence:

>>> siv_cipher.update(b"builtin")
>>> siv_cipher.update(b"securely")

is not equivalent to:

>>> siv_cipher.update(b"built")
>>> siv_cipher.update(b"insecurely")

OCB mode

Offset CodeBook mode, a cipher designed by Rogaway and specified in RFC7253 (more specifically, this module implements the last variant, OCB3). It only works in combination with a 128 bits cipher like AES.

OCB was patented in USA but the author eventually abandoned the patents.

The new() function at the module level under Crypto.Cipher instantiates a new OCB cipher object for the relevant base algorithm.


The OCB state machine is slightly different compared to other modes: if you encrypt (or decrypt) multiple chunks, at the end you MUST call the method encrypt (or decrypt) with no parameters. This last call will return any piece of internally cached ciphertext (or plaintext).


Fig. 5 State diagram for the OCB mode

Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.new(key, mode, *, nonce=None, mac_len=None)

Create a new OCB object, using <algorithm> as the base block cipher.

  • key (bytes) – the cryptographic key

  • mode – the constant Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.MODE_OCB

  • nonce (bytes) – the value of the fixed nonce, with length between 1 and 15 bytes. It must be unique for the combination message/key. If not present, the library creates a 15 bytes random nonce.

  • mac_len (integer) – the desired length of the MAC tag (default if not present: 16 bytes).


an OCB cipher object

The cipher object has two read-only attributes: nonce and block_size.

Example (encryption as a once-off operation):

>>> import json
>>> from base64 import b64encode
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
>>> from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
>>> header = b"header"
>>> data = b"secret"
>>> key = get_random_bytes(16)
>>> cipher =, AES.MODE_OCB)
>>> cipher.update(header)
>>> ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(data)
>>> json_k = [ 'nonce', 'header', 'ciphertext', 'tag' ]
>>> json_v = [ b64encode(x).decode('utf-8') for x in (cipher.nonce, header, ciphertext, tag) ]
>>> result = json.dumps(dict(zip(json_k, json_v)))
>>> print(result)
{"nonce": "I7E6PKxHNYo2i9sz8W98", "header": "aGVhZGVy", "ciphertext": "nYJnJ8jC", "tag": "0UbFcmO9lqGknCIDWRLALA=="}

Example (decryption as a once-off operation):

>>> import json
>>> from base64 import b64decode
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
>>> # We assume that the key was securely shared beforehand
>>> try:
>>>     b64 = json.loads(json_input)
>>>     json_k = [ 'nonce', 'header', 'ciphertext', 'tag' ]
>>>     jv = {k:b64decode(b64[k]) for k in json_k}
>>>     cipher =, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=jv['nonce'])
>>>     cipher.update(jv['header'])
>>>     plaintext = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(jv['ciphertext'], jv['tag'])
>>>     print("The message was: " + plaintext.decode('utf-8'))
>>> except (ValueError, KeyError):
>>>     print("Incorrect decryption")

Example (encryption with multiple chunks):

>>> import json
>>> from base64 import b64encode
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
>>> from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
>>> header = b'header'
>>> data = [b'chunk1', b'chunk2', b'chunk3']
>>> key = get_random_bytes(16)
>>> cipher =, AES.MODE_OCB)
>>> cipher.update(header)
>>> ciphertext = b''
>>> for chunk in data:
>>>     ciphertext += cipher.encrypt(chunk)
>>> ciphertext += cipher.encrypt()
>>> tag = cipher.digest()
>>> json_k = [ 'nonce', 'header', 'ciphertext', 'tag' ]
>>> json_v = [ b64encode(x).decode('utf-8') for x in (cipher.nonce, header, ciphertext, tag) ]
>>> result = json.dumps(dict(zip(json_k, json_v)))
>>> print(result)
{"nonce": "IABQ/ww8vGsu7F4sbHXK", "header": "aGVhZGVy", "ciphertext": "7Amm2DoiMHVkYC8dY7NEX86M", "tag": "qOPnjAxF63MOAx6xjwRvJQ=="}

Example (decryption with multiple chunks):

>>> import json
>>> from base64 import b64decode
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
>>> # We assume that the key was securely shared beforehand
>>> try:
>>>     b64 = json.loads(json_input)
>>>     json_k = [ 'nonce', 'header', 'ciphertext', 'tag' ]
>>>     jv = {k:b64decode(b64[k]) for k in json_k}
>>>     cipher =, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=jv['nonce'])
>>>     cipher.update(jv['header'])
>>>     ciphertext = jv['ciphertext']
>>>     # Split into small chunks, just for demo purposes
>>>     chunks = [ ciphertext[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(ciphertext), 2) ]
>>>     plaintext = b''
>>>     for chunk in chunks:
>>>         plaintext += cipher.decrypt(chunk)
>>>     plaintext += cipher.decrypt()
>>>     cipher.verify(jv['tag'])
>>>     print("The message was: " + plaintext.decode('utf-8'))
>>> except (ValueError, KeyError):
>>>     print("Incorrect decryption")